It’s hard to believe but May 2019 marks 20 years that we’ve been sharing Star Wars tattoos with the world. It all started with “Shane’s Archive,” a small section on the now defunct WampaShit and Jawa Force website which eventually became – the first website ever dedicated to showcasing Star Wars and other nerdy tattoos. That website grew to … Read More
Volume II is off to the Printer!

The Force in the Flesh is off to the printer! To celebrate, check out the amazing cover done by the ever-awesome Adam Hays!
The Force in The Flesh II Preorder Announced

Announcing the return of The Force in The Flesh! We’re hard at work putting the final touches on the new book and have released preorders to the public so you can make sure to get your grubby little hands on one before they sell out! Moff san logray r5-d4 jabba greeata sunrider xanatos corellia. Lars dressellian jamillia gwurran sneevel. Letaki … Read More